total used estimate -

Can take a while to complete the search. Ignore PHP warnings. If no graph/table appears, you should just try a REFRESH, and wait... You should probably add 1 or 2 percent, to account for areas NOT searched, especially if ./stats/logs returns a warning...

estimates used total: 35067338752 (block) bytes (21.7%)
|* Used 32.6 GB *|
|* Available 117.3 GB *|
of 150 GB ... (actual=34752324857, 96980 files.) ...

Note: This is an estimate only, using a 'block' size of 4096 bytes ... in most operating systems, the hard disk space is divided up into blocks, sometimes called 'sectors' ... that means, even a file of just a few bytes in length, takes a minimum of one sector, or block ... while its file size will remain only a few bytes, it will occupy one, or more, complete sector, block, on the disk ... and then there are the directory enries themselves ... in this estimate, assumed to take one block ...

Also each file occupies some bytes for the file name, as a directory entry ... and space for the names of the directories, the folders, on the disk ... but these extra bytes for the directory entries are not usually counted ...
