imgs.php to HTML



Generated: Tue Jul 31 15:22:06 2007 from imgs.php 2005/08/14 3.5 KB bytes.


<meta http-equiv="Content-Language" content="en-au">
<meta name="keywords" content="friendofflowers, greenplanet, friend, of, flowers, flowerking, flower, king, sydney, australia, mobile, markets, local, produce">
<meta name="description" content="Russell Sharp - the flower king - friend of flowers - syndey, australia, vending local produce, on street, and in markets ...">

<title>Friend of Flowers - Image Viewer</title>


<body background="images/lotus01.jpg" bgcolor="#0066cc">

// this could be set from say a 'global.php' include ... which sets ...
$m_folder = 'images/.'; // set the images folder
$m_page = 0;
// $m_page = 8;
$m_case = 'flowers';
// $m_case = 'family'; // test family
$m_type = '*'; // '*' matches ALL (was '?'), assuming 'asterisk' allowed as param?
// $m_type = 'a'; // '*' matches ALL (was '?'), assuming 'asterisk' allowed as param?
$m_row_wrap = 3;
$m_max_out = 9;
// test ALL $m_max_out = -1;
// variables below filled in during running ...
$m_mostcnt = 0;
$m_mostrec = 0; // a file date time ... something, since the beginning of *nix!
$m_mostnam = ' ';
$m_mostarr = array();
$m_msg = ' ';
// index fo the FIRST and LAST table outputs
$m_first_out = -1;
$m_last_out = -1;

// get the page value, if any
if (isset($_GET['page'])) {
 $m_page = $_GET['page'];

// get the case value
if (isset($_GET['case'])) {
 $m_case = $_GET['case'];
if ($m_case == 'family') {
   // set DEFAULT for 'family' display
   $m_row_wrap = 5;
   $m_max_out = 10;

if (isset($_GET['type'])) {
 $m_type = $_GET['type'];
if (isset($_GET['wrap'])) {
 $m_row_wrap = $_GET['wrap'];
if (isset($_GET['max'])) {
 $m_max_out = $_GET['max'];

// menu
$m_n_case = 'family';
if ($m_case == 'family') {
 $m_n_case = 'flowers';

// add global $m_first_out, $m_last_out;
include ( "phpinc4.php" );

// start HTML output
// print "<h1 align='center'>$m_case image viewer</h1>\r\n";
print "<h1 align='center'>Friend of Flowers - Image Viewer - $m_case</h1>\r\n";

// out_the_menu2 ();
if ( $m_case == 'family' ) {
   getDirListDSC ($m_folder, &$m_mostrec, &$m_mostnam, &$m_mostcnt, &$m_mostarr, $m_type );
} else {
   // default is 'flowers'!
   getDirList2 ($m_folder, &$m_mostrec, &$m_mostnam, &$m_mostcnt, &$m_mostarr, $m_type );

// the directory, folder SCAN has been done ... the necessary 'files' have been collected
// sanity CHECK only - SHOULD NEVER HAPPEN ;=))
$imx = count ($m_mostarr);
$e_msg = ''; // zero an error message
if ($imx != $m_mostcnt) {
   $e_msg = "<h1 align='center'>note: imx=$imx not equal m_mostcnt=$m_mostcnt sanity exceeded!</h1>\r\n";

$m_msg = add_g_span(add_p_center(getPageMenu () ));
print "$m_msg\r\n";

$d_msg = ordDirList2 (); // add the 'chosen' array of images, in a TABLE

$m_msg = add_g_span(add_p_center(get_array_menu () .'<br>'. get_day_menu() .'<br>'. get_case_menu() ));
print "$m_msg\r\n";

$m_msg = add_g_span(add_p_center( get_curr_link(add_bold('Refresh')) . add_bounds(get_index_link()) ));
print "$m_msg\r\n";

out_the_menu2 (); // give access to the alternate menu system

// $m_msg = get_latest_txt(); // should get more than the 'latest', but latest is good
print "$d_msg\r\n"; // add the information line

if ( strlen($e_msg) ) {
   print add_r_span( $e_msg )."\r\n";


End Image Viewer ... imgs.php


<!-- 13 August 2005 - imgs.php Version 0.0.3 - - grm -->


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