URL History

external links: index . projects . home

in-file links: preamble - help - downloads - end


Internet Explorer keeps a large list of navigation history, until this area is cleaned. This utility reads and displays that list.


Any non-valid command, like -?, will show the help -

urlhistory: Dec  2 2008 at 17:07:30
Options: Each can be followed by + or -, for on (default), off ...
 -a        = Show all URL, in full ...
 -c        = Clean URL to domain name ...
 -f        = Add local files to history output.
 -j        = Add javascript to the listing.
 -m        = Add ms-help to the listing.
 -n        = Add numbering to output.
 -o        = Output to tempfil.txt.
 -s        = Sort by date.
 -w        = Remove www, if present.



Some downloads ... as usual, take care downloading and running things from the web. It is highly recommended that you download the source, and compile it yourself. Microsoft offers an 'Express Edition' for free, of their C/C++ IDE tool, Visual C/C++ ...

Downloadable binary (e), and source (-) for WIN32
Date Link Size Notes Digest
02/12/2008 urlhistorye03.zip 6,779 Runtime 16eeb7b4d2f832f1e8c371ed2d74a11c
02/12/2008 urlhistory-03.zip 10,236 Source dfd8ac1309b2128cdbe5fc55045d0236


If clicking on the above link does not start the download, try a right mouse click, and in the context menu that should appear, choose 'Save Target As...'. You will then have the choice where to save the zip file on your local disk... Windows XP and Vista will natively allow an unzip, or there are free tools like 7-zip to do this.

Have fun ;=))


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