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#!/perl -w
#  *NAME*
# AIM:
# from :
# This script is proof of concept code, demonstrating the ability
# to arbitrarily modify the creation, last access and last 
# modification dates of files.
# The only required module is Win32::API::Prototype, from Dave Roth's
# site:
# OR
# perl install
# ppm install
# Usage: [perl] [filename]
# The script has a hard-coded target date; the user can 
# go to that section of code and modify it accordingly. 
use strict;
use Win32::API::Prototype;
use File::stat;
# File to 'touch'
my $deffile = "clds3.jpg";
# my $file = shift || die "You must enter a filename.\n";
my $file = $deffile;
if (@ARGV) {
   $file = pop @ARGV;
# First, check current times of the file
print "\n";
print "ERROR: THIS SERVICE FAILS - remove following exit(0) to TRY ;=))\n";
# Set up the necessary API calls
my $GENERIC_READ = 0x80000000; 
my $FILE_SHARE_READ = 0x00000001;
my $GENERIC_WRITE = 0x40000000; 
'HANDLE CreateFile(LPCTSTR pszPath, DWORD dwAccess, DWORD dwShareMode, PVOID SecurityAttributes, DWORD dwCreationDist, DWORD dwFlags, HANDLE hTemplate)') 
|| die "Cannot locate CreateFile()";
ApiLink('kernel32.dll', 'BOOL CloseHandle(HANDLE hFile)') 
|| die "Cannot locate CloseHandle()";
ApiLink('kernel32.dll', 'BOOL SystemTimeToFileTime(SYSTEMTIME *lpSystemTime, LPFILETIME lpFileTime)')
|| die "Cannot locate SystemTimeToFileTime()";
ApiLink('kernel32.dll', 'BOOL SetFileTime(HANDLE hfile, FILETIME *lpCreationTime, FILETIME *lpLastAccessTime, FILETIME *lpLastWriteTime)')
|| die "Cannot locate SetFileTime()";
ApiLink('kernel32.dll',  'BOOL FileTimeToSystemTime(FILETIME *lpFileTime, LPSYSTEMTIME lpSystemTime )' ) 
|| die "Can not locate FileTimeToSystemTime()";
# Create a filehandle to the file
# Must use GENERIC_WRITE in order to modify the object
my $hFile; 
$hFile = CreateFile($file,  $GENERIC_READ|$GENERIC_WRITE, $FILE_SHARE_READ, undef, $OPEN_EXISTING, undef, 0 )
|| die "Can not open the file '$file'\n";
# Create a SYSTEMTIME object
# Use 10:12am, 1 Dec 2001 as a test
# Display as 'Sat 12/1/2001 15:12:30:0'
my $wYear = '2001';
my $wMonth = '12';
my $wDayofWeek = '6';
my $wDay = '1';
my $wHour = '10';
my $wMin = '12';
my $wSec = '30';
my $wMilli = '0';
# Now, pack the object. The SYSTEMTIME object is basically 8 WORDs 
# packed into a structure. 
my $pSystemTime = pack("S8",$wYear,$wMonth,$wDayofWeek,$wDay,$wHour,$wMin, $wSec,$wMilli);
# Convert the SYSTEMTIME to a FILETIME object
#my $pFileTime = pack("L2",0);
my $pFileTime;
if (SystemTimeToFileTime($pSystemTime,$pFileTime)) {
   # Now set the file time(s) 
   # The times, in order, are Creation, Last Access, and Last Write
   # To set only specific ones, change the others to 'undef'...
   # or create separate SYSTEMTIME objects for each one 
   if (SetFileTime($hFile,$pFileTime,$pFileTime,$pFileTime)) {
      # If successful, close the filehandle
   } else {
      my $error = Win32::FormatMessage Win32::GetLastError;
      $error = Win32::GetLastError if ($error eq "");
      print "Error with SetFileTime: $error\n";
} else {
   my $error = Win32::FormatMessage Win32::GetLastError;
   $error = Win32::GetLastError if ($error eq "");
   print "Error with SystemTimeToFileTime: $error\n";
# Check times again
# all done
exit(0);   # not really required, but shows the runtime end of module
# getTimes()
# Retrieves the file times for verification purposes. This 
# subroutine is called both before and after the file times
# are changed (SetFileTime() API call).
sub getTimes {
   my $file = $_[0];
   # this did not work, so changed it ...
   # my ($size,$atime,$mtime,$ctime) = (stat($file))[7..10];
   # also failed
   # my ($dev,$ino,$mode,$nlink,$uid,$gid,$rdev,$size,$atime,$mtime,$ctime,$blksize,$blocks) = stat($file);
   # my $a_time = localtime($atime);
   # my $m_time = localtime($mtime);
   # my $c_time = localtime($ctime);
   my $sb = stat($file);
   if (defined $sb) {  # check was a VALID, existing file name
      my $a_time = scalar localtime($sb->atime);
      my $m_time = scalar localtime($sb->mtime);
      my $c_time = scalar localtime($sb->ctime);
      print "$file\t".$sb->size." bytes\n";
      print "Creation Time:\t$c_time\n" ;
      print "Last Access :\t$a_time\n" ;
      print "Last Write :\t$m_time\n" ;
   } else {
      die "File [$file] does not appear to exist ... choose a file that does ...\n";
# eof -

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