fgshowmaterials.pl to HTML.

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Generated: Tue Feb 2 17:54:35 2010 from fgshowmaterials.pl 2009/02/27 8.3 KB.

#!/perl -w
# NAME: fgshowmaterials.pl
# AIM: Very specific show of 'materials' defined in FG data 'materials.xml'
# 27/02/2009 geoff mclane http://geoffair.net/mperl
use strict;
use warnings;
require 'logfile.pl' or die "Unable to load logfile.pl ...\n";
# log file stuff
my ($LF);
my $pgmname = $0;
if ($pgmname =~ /\w{1}:\\.*/) {
   my @tmpsp = split(/\\/,$pgmname);
   $pgmname = $tmpsp[-1];
my $outfile = "temp.$pgmname.txt";
my $in_file = "C:\\FG\\27\\data\\materials.xml";
# features
my $skipsingles = 1;    # skip names that are length of just 1
my $skipdoubles = 1;    # skip names that are length of just 2
my $skip_pa = 1;        # skip if commencing with 'pa_'
my $skip_pc = 1;        # skip if commencing with 'pc_'
my $skip_cavete = 1;    # skip if commencing with '^???'
my $skip_dirt = 1;      # skip if commencing with 'dirt_'
my $skip_RWY = 1;      # skip if commencing with 'RWY_'
my $skip_Sign = 1;      # skip is contains 'Sign'
# debug
my $dbg1 = 0;  # show enter/ext 'material'
prt( "$0 ... Processing $in_file...\n" );
sub trim_xml($) {
   my ($ln) = shift;
   $ln =~ s/\n/ /gm;   # replace CR (\n)
   $ln =~ s/\r/ /gm;   # replace LF (\r)
   ### $ln =~ s/\t/ /g;   # TAB(s) to a SPACE
   $ln = substr($ln,1) while ($ln =~ /^\s/); # remove all LEADING space
   $ln = substr($ln,0, length($ln) - 1) while ($ln =~ /\s$/); # remove all TRAILING space
   ### $ln =~ s/\s{2}/ /g while ($ln =~ /\s{2}/);   # all double space to SINGLE
   return $ln;
# relinexml - 20090125
# Need to add some options, like
# - indenting
# <open>text</close> on same line
sub xml_to_lines {
    my ($rlm, @lns) = @_;
    my $intag = 0;
    my $text = '';  # gather TEXT between tags
    my @nlines = ();
    my ($fln, $ln, $ch, $pch, $nch, $len, $i, $i2, $tag, $xml, $dnx);
    my ($lnnm, $lnb, $nlnm);
    my ($ppch, $incomm);
    my $show_comm_dbg = 0;
    $pch = '';
    $ppch = '';
    $nch = '';
    $tag = '';
    $xml = '';
    $dnx = 0;
    $lnnm = 0;
    $nlnm = 0;
    $lnb = 0;
    $incomm = 0;
    $text = ''; # start NO TEXT
    foreach $fln (@lns) {
        chomp $fln;
        $ln = trim_xml($fln);
        $len = length($ln);
        $lnnm++;    # count another xml line
        for ($i = 0; $i < $len; $i++) {
            $i2 = $i + 1;
            $ch = substr($ln,$i,1);
            $nch = (($i2 < $len) ? substr($ln,$i2,1) : ' ');
            if ($intag) {
                # on first GREATER THAN - SPACE
                $tag .= $ch;
                if ($ch eq '>') {
                    if ( $incomm ) {
                        prt("$lnnm: potential end of XML tag pch=$pch ppch=$ppch\n") if ($show_comm_dbg);
                        if (($pch eq '-') && ($ppch eq '-')) {
                            ### prt( "push(\@xlnmap, [ $nlnm, $lnb, $lnnm ]); # each NEW line has BEGIN and END\n" );
                            $$rlm{$nlnm} = "$lnb-$lnnm";    # each NEW line has BEGIN and END
                            $tag = '';
                            $intag = 0;
                            $xml = '';
                            $incomm = 0;
                            prt( "$lnnm: Exit comment [$ln]\n" ) if ($show_comm_dbg);
                    } else {
                        ### prt( "push(\@xlnmap, [ $nlnm, $lnb, $lnnm ]); # each NEW line has BEGIN and END\n" );
                        $$rlm{$nlnm} = "$lnb-$lnnm";    # each NEW line has BEGIN and END
                        $tag = '';
                        $intag = 0;
                        $xml = '';
                        $incomm = 0;
            } else {
                if ($ch eq '<') {
                    if (length($text)) {
                        $$rlm{$nlnm} = "$lnb-$lnnm";    # each NEW line has BEGIN and END
                        $text = '';
                    $tag = $ch; # start a tag line
                    $intag = 1; # signal in a tag
                    $xml = '';
                    $dnx = 0;
                    $lnb = $lnnm;    # set the BEGIN xml line
                    if ($nch eq '!') {
                        # but watch out for <!DOCTYPE ...>
                        if ($ln =~ /<!--/) {
                            prt( "$lnnm: Entering comment [$ln]\n" ) if ($show_comm_dbg);
                            $incomm = 1;
                } else {
                    $text .= $ch;
            $ppch = $pch;
            $pch = $ch;
        # done a line - this is like a SPACE
        if ($intag && length($tag)) {
            $tag .= ' ' if !($tag =~ /(=|\s)$/);
    prtw("WARNING: Exit STILL in comment!\n") if ($incomm);
    if (length($tag)) {
        prtw("WARNING: xml re-lining error! Left pending tag [$tag]\nin $in_file file ...\n");
    return @nlines;
sub outfile($$) {
    my ($fil, $tx) = @_;
    if (open OUTF, ">$fil") {
        print OUTF $tx;
        close OUTF;
    } else {
        prt("ERROR: Could not create $fil!\n");
sub process_in_file($) {
    my ($inf) = shift;
    my ($lncnt, $max, $line, @lines, $inmat, $ln, $names, $inname, $len, $addit);
    my %lnmap = ();
    if (open INF, "<$inf") {
        @lines = <INF>;
        close INF;
        my $lncnt = scalar @lines;
        prt( "Processing $lncnt lines from $inf...\n" );
        #@lines = fg_xml_to_lines(\%lnmap, @lines);
        @lines = xml_to_lines(\%lnmap, @lines);
        #my $txt = join("\n",@lines);
        #$txt .= "\n";
        $max = scalar @lines;
        prt( "Got $max lines to process...\n");
        $inmat = 0;
        $ln = 0;
        $names = "";
        $inname = 0;
        foreach $line (@lines) {
           $len = length($line);
           if ($inmat) {
              if ($line =~ /^<\/material/) {
                 prt("$names\n") if length($names);
                 prt("$ln: Exit    $line\n") if ($dbg1);
                 $inmat = 0;
                 $names = "";
           } else {
              if ($line =~ /^<material/) {
                 prt("$ln: Entered $line\n") if ($dbg1);
                 $inmat = 1;
           if ($inname) {
              if ($line =~ /^<\/name/) {
                 $inname = 0;
              } else {
                 $addit = 0;
                 if ($skipsingles) {
                    if ($len > 1) {
                       $addit = 1;
                 } else {
                    $addit = 1;
                 if ($skip_pa) {
                    if ($line =~ /^pa_/) {
                       $addit = 0;
                 if ($skip_pc) {
                    if ($line =~ /^pc_/) {
                       $addit = 0;
                 if ($skip_cavete) {
                    if ($line =~ /^\^/) {
                       $addit = 0;
                 if ($skip_dirt) {
                    if ($line =~ /^dirt_/) {
                       $addit = 0;
                 if ($skip_RWY) {
                    if ($line =~ /^RWY_/) {
                       $addit = 0;
                 if (($len == 2) && $skipdoubles) {
                    $addit = 0;
                 if ($skip_Sign) {
                    if ($line =~ /Sign/) {
                       $addit = 0;
                 if ($addit) {
                    $names .= "|" if length($names);
                    $names .= $line;
           } else {
              if ($line =~ /^<name/) {
                 $inname = 1;
# eof - fgshowmaterials.pl

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