to HTML.

index -|- end

Generated: Tue Feb 2 17:54:27 2010 from 2008/05/27 24.8 KB.

#!/perl -w
# AIM: Load a VC8 project file (.VCPROJ), and compare it with a VC6 DSP (.DSP) file,
# and SHOW different sources ...
use strict;
use warnings;
use File::Basename;
require '' or die "Unable to load ...\n";
# log file stuff
my ($LF);
my $pgmname = $0;
if ($pgmname =~ /\w{1}:\\.*/) {
   my @tmpsp = split(/\\/,$pgmname);
   $pgmname = $tmpsp[-1];
my $outfile = "temp.$pgmname.txt";
### prt( "$0 ... Hello, World ...\n" );
# features
my $skip_dupes = 1;   # skip duplicates
my $try_harder = 0;   # compare ONLY file title and externsion
my $killfilt = 1;   # this should be ON always
# debug VC8
my $dbg11 = 0;      # show EACH VC8 source pushed into %v8_srcs
my $dbg_src1 = 0;
my $dbg_src2 = 0;
my $dbg_src3 = 0;
my $dbg_src4 = 0;   # show Filter
my $dbg_src5 = 1;   # show lines NOT in tumble, or excepted ... THERE SHOULD BE NONE!
my $dbg_src6 = 0;   # show v8 configuration found
my $dbg_src7 = 0;   # show each <Tool Name="????" ...
my $dbg_src8 = 1;   # show compiler tool and definitions added $v8_link{$conf} = $1;
my $dbg_src9 = 0;   # show each TAG, and TYPE
my $dbg_srcv = 0;   # show XML version line
my $dbg_srcc = 0;   # show CLOSE tags
my $dbg_src10 = 0;   # show BEGIN and END Configurations
my $dbg_src11 = 0;   # show project name, and vcproj version ...
# debug DSP
my $dbg_ds9 = 0;   # show EACH VC6 source pushed
my $dbg_dsp = 0;
my $dbg_ds1 = 0;
my $dbg_ds2 = 0;
my $dbg_ds3 = 0;
my $dbg_ds4 = 0;   # show CPP and LINK config items - %v6_conf
my $dbg_ds5 = 0;   # show Defined items - %v6_defs
my $dbg_ds6 = 0;   # show !IF, !ELSEIF switching
my $dbg_ds7 = 0;   # show %v6_conf listing
my $dbg_ds8 = 0;   # show VC6 Filter and Group Name
my $dbg_dsp10 = 0;   # prt( "SOURCE = $src ($ff)... $ins \n" )
# debug compare
my $big_dbg = 0;   # prt( "$i1 $nm1 - " )
my $big_dbg2 = 0;   # prt( "$ff1 SAME AS $ff2 " )
my $big_dbg3 = 0;   # prt( "$nm2 " )
my $big_dbg4 = 0;   # prt( "$xnm1 eq $xnm2 and $xext1 eq $xext2 ($ff1 - $ff2)" )
my @v8_srcs = ();
my %v8_link = ();   # compiler definitions, by configuration
my %v8_depend = ();   # linker addtional dependencies, by configuration
my %v8_apptyp = ();   # application TYPE, per project name
my %v8_defines = ( '_CONSOLE' => 'Console Application',
 '_USRDLL' => 'Dynamic-Link Library',
 '_LIB' => 'Static Library' );
 my $typelse = 'Application';
my $TYP_OPEN = 1;
my $TYP_CLOSE = 2;
my $TYP_VERSION = 4;
my $v8_cfgexp = '<Configuration\\s+.*Name=\\"(\\S+)\\"\\s';
my $v8_toolexp = '<Tool\\s+.?\\s*Name=\\"(\\S+)\\"\\s';
my $v8_prepexp = '\\s+PreprocessorDefinitions=\\"(\\S+)\\"';
my @v6_srcs = ();  # relnm full group filter
my %v6_defs = ();
my %v6_conf = ();
my @extra_projects = ();
# grep
my $test_key = 'greputils';
my $test_dir = 'C:\Projects\Grep\build';
my @test_set = qw( greputils );
# xmlrpccpp
#my $test_key = 'testmem';
#my $test_dir = 'C:\GTools\Tools\testmem';
#my @test_set = qw( crt_dbg1 memtestDLL memtestStatic testmem );
##my $test_key = 'xmlrpccpp';
##my $test_in_vc8 = 'C:\FG\FGCOMXML\xmlrpc-c\Windows\xmlrpccpp.vcproj';
##my $test_in_dsp = 'C:\FG\FGCOMXML\xmlrpc-c\Windows\xmlrpccpp.dsp';
#my $test_key = 'rpctest';
#my $test_in_vc8 = 'C:\FG\FGCOMXML\xmlrpc-c\Windows\rpctest.vcproj';
#my $test_in_dsp = 'C:\FG\FGCOMXML\xmlrpc-c\Windows\rpctest.dsp';
my $compres = 0;
my %dsw_projects = ();
my @warnings = ();
foreach my $fil (@test_set) {
   my $ffvc = $test_dir."\\".$fil.'.vcproj';
   my $ffdsp = $test_dir."\\".$fil.'.dsp';
   if ((-f $ffvc)&&(-f $ffdsp)) {
      process_DSP( $test_key, $ffdsp );
      $compres += compare_proj_with_dsp( $test_key );
   } else {
      prt( "WARNING: $ffvc or $ffdsp DOES NOT EXIST!\n" );
#process_DSP( $test_key, $test_in_dsp );
#$compres += compare_proj_with_dsp( $test_key );
sub process_DSP {
   my ($proj, $fil) = @_;
   my ($line, $prjname, $grpname, $filter, $ff, $src, $chr, $tmp, $conf, $ffnr);
   my ($itm1, $itm2, $key, $targtype);
   my $scnt = 0;
   my @dsp_lines = ();
   prt( "\nProcess DSP file $fil ... " );
   if ( -f $fil ) {
      prt( "already exists ...\n" );
      my ($name,$dir,$suffix) = fileparse($fil);
      if ( open IF, "<$fil" ) {
         @dsp_lines = <IF>;
         close IF;
         prt( "Got ".scalar @dsp_lines." lines to process ...\n" );
         my $ins = 0;
         foreach $line (@dsp_lines) {
            $line = trim_all($line);
            $chr = substr($line, 0, 1);   # get FIRST char of LINE
            if( $chr eq '#' ) {
               # line begins with SHARP
               if ($line =~ /\s+Microsoft Developer Studio Project File - Name=\"([\.\w\s]+)+/) {
                  $prjname = $1;
                  prt( "Project NAME = $prjname ...\n" ) if ($dbg_dsp);
               } elsif ($line =~ /\s+Microsoft Developer Studio Generated Build File, Format Version ([\d\.]+)/) {
                  prt( "MSVC Version $1 ...\n" ) if ($dbg_dsp);
               } elsif ($line =~ /\s*TARGTYPE\s+\"(.+)\"\s+/) { # Win32 (x86) Console Application" 0x0103
                  $targtype = $1;
                  prt( "TARGTYPE: $targtype, name=$prjname ($proj)\n" );
               } elsif ($line =~ /Begin Group \"([\s\w]+)+/ ) {
                  $grpname = $1;
                  prt( "Begin group ... $grpname\n" ) if ($dbg_dsp);
               } elsif ($line =~ /PROP\s+Default_Filter\s+\"([\w;]+)+\"/ ) {
                  $filter = $1;
                  prt( "Begin Filter group $grpname, filter $filter\n" ) if ($dbg_ds8);
               } elsif ($line =~ /Begin Source File/) {
                  $ins = 1;
                  prt( "Begin source ... $ins ...\n" ) if ($dbg_dsp);
               } elsif ($line =~ /End Source File/) {
                  $ins = 0;
                  prt( "End source ... $ins ...\n" ) if ($dbg_dsp);
               } elsif ( $line =~ /ADD BASE CPP (.+)/ )  {
                  # ADD BASE CPP /nologo /W3 /GX /O2 /D "WIN32" /D "NDEBUG" /D "_WINDOWS" /D "_MBCS" /Yu"stdafx.h" /FD /c
                  $key = 'CPP '.$conf;
                  prt( "ADD BASE $key [$1]\n" ) if ($dbg_ds4);
                  $v6_conf{$key} = $1;
               } elsif ( $line =~ /ADD CPP (.+)/ )  {
                  # ADD CPP /nologo /W3 /GX /O2 /D "WIN32" /D "NDEBUG" /D "_WINDOWS" /D "_MBCS" /FD /c
                  $key = 'CPP '.$conf;
                  prt( "ADD $key [$1]\n" ) if ($dbg_ds4);
                  $v6_conf{$key} = $1;
               } elsif ( $line =~ /ADD BASE LINK32 (.+)/ )  {
                  # ADD BASE LINK32 kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib odbc32.lib odbccp32.lib /nologo /subsystem:windows /machine:I386
                  $key = 'LINK '.$conf;
                  prt( "ADD BASE $key [$1]\n" ) if ($dbg_ds4);
                  $v6_conf{$key} = $1;
               } elsif ( $line =~ /ADD LINK32 (.+)/ )  {
                  $key = 'LINK '.$conf;
                  # ADD LINK32 kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib odbc32.lib odbccp32.lib /nologo /subsystem:windows /machine:I386
                  prt( "ADD $key [$1]\n" ) if ($dbg_ds4);
                  $v6_conf{$key} = $1;
            } elsif ( $chr eq '!' ) {
               if ($line =~ /^!IF\s+(.+)/i ) {
                  prt( "Entering IF $1 ...\n" ) if ($dbg_ds6);
                  if ($line =~ /!IF\s+(.+) == (.+)/i) {
                     $itm1 = $1;
                     $itm2 = $2;
                     $itm1 =~ s/\"//g;
                     $itm2 =~ s/\"//g;
                     prt( "Got [$itm1] [$itm2]...\n" ) if ($dbg_ds6);
                     if ($itm1 =~ /^\$\((.+)\)/ ) {
                        if (defined $v6_defs{$1}) {
                           if ($v6_defs{$1} eq $itm2) {
                              $tmp = "TRUE";
                           } else {
                              $tmp = "FALSE";
                           if( $1 eq 'CFG' ) {
                              $conf = $itm2;
                           prt( "and [$1] defined as \"$v6_defs{$1}\" ... $tmp $conf\n" ) if ($dbg_ds6);
                        } else {
                           prt( "NOT DEFINED [$1] ...\n" );
                  } else {
                     prt( "FAILED IF == [$line]\n" );
               } elsif ( $line =~ /^!ELSE\s+/i ) {
                  prt( "Entering ELSE ...\n" ) if ($dbg_ds6);
               } elsif ( $line =~ /^!ELSEIF\s+(.+)/i ) {
                  prt( "Entering ELSEIF $1 ...\n" ) if ($dbg_ds6);
                  if ($line =~ /!ELSEIF\s+(.+) == (.+)/i) {
                     $itm1 = $1;
                     $itm2 = $2;
                     $itm1 =~ s/\"//g;
                     $itm2 =~ s/\"//g;
                     prt( "Got [$itm1] [$itm2]...\n" ) if ($dbg_ds6);
                     if ($itm1 =~ /^\$\((.+)\)/ ) {
                        if (defined $v6_defs{$1}) {
                           if ($v6_defs{$1} eq $itm2) {
                              $tmp = "TRUE";
                           } else {
                              $tmp = "FALSE";
                           if( $1 eq 'CFG' ) {
                              $conf = $itm2;
                           prt( "and [$1] defined as \"$v6_defs{$1}\" ... $tmp $conf\n" ) if ($dbg_ds6);
                        } else {
                           prt( "NOT DEFINED [$1] ...\n" );
                  } else {
                     prt( "FAILED ELSEIF == [$line]\n" );
               } elsif ( $line =~ /^!ENDIF\s*/i ) {
                  prt( "Out ENDIF ...\n" ) if ($dbg_ds6);
            } else {
               ### if ($line =~ /SOURCE=([\.\\\w-]+)/ ) {
               if ($line =~ /SOURCE=([\.\\\w-"]+)/ ) {
                  $src = $1;
                  $src =~ s/"//g;
                  $ff = $dir.$src;
                  $ffnr = fix_rel_path($ff);
                  if ($ins) {
                     prt( "SOURCE = $src ($ff)... $ins \n" ) if ($dbg_dsp || $dbg_dsp10);
                  } else {
                     prt( "source = $src ($ff) OUTSIDE 'in source' ... $ins\n" );
                  if (is_c_source($src)) {
                     prt("SOURCE=[$src]\n") if ($dbg_ds1);
                  } elsif (is_h_source($src)) {
                     prt("HEADER=[$src]\n") if ($dbg_ds2);
                  } elsif (is_h_special($src)) {
                     prt("HEADER=[$src]\n") if ($dbg_ds2);
                  } else {
                     prt("OTHER=[$src]\n") if ($dbg_ds3);
                  #                0     1      2          3          4  5  6
                  #push(@v8_srcs, [$src, $ffnr, $filtname, $filttype, 0, 0, $projname] );
                  push(@v6_srcs, [$src, $ffnr, $grpname, $filter, 0, 0, $proj] );
                  prt( "$scnt v6_srcs: $src, $ffnr, $grpname, $filter, 0, 0, $proj\n" ) if ($dbg_ds9);
               } elsif ( $line =~ /(.*)=(.*)/ ) {
                  $itm1 = $1;
                  $itm2 = $2;
                  $v6_defs{$itm1} = $itm2;
                  prt( "Defined [$itm1] = [$itm2] ...\n" ) if ($dbg_ds5);
         prt( "End DSP - got $scnt source files ...\n" );
         if ($dbg_ds7) {
            foreach $key (keys %v6_conf) {
               prt( "Config $key = [$v6_conf{$key}]\n" );
      } else {
         prt( "ERROR: FAILED TO OPEN $fil FILE!\n" );
   } else {
      prt( "*** DOES NOT EXIST ***\n" );
sub get_xml_tag {
   my ($lin) = shift;
   my $len = length($lin);
   my $tag = '';
   my $pch = '';
   for (my $t = 0; $t < $len; $t++) {
      my $ch = substr($lin,$t,1);
      if ($ch eq '<') {
         prt( "WARNING: Second TAG in line! ($lin)\n" ) if (length($tag));
         $tag = '';
         for ( ; $t < $len; $t++) {
            $ch = substr($lin,$t,1);
            if ($ch =~ /\s/) {
               # end of tag
               for ( ; $t < $len; $t++) {
                  $ch = substr($lin,$t,1);
                  if ($ch eq '>') {
                     $tag .= $pch if ($pch eq '/');
                     prt( "WARNING: Premature CLOSE! ($lin)(1)\n" ) if (($t +1) < $len);
                     last;   # end of TAG
                  $pch = $ch;   # keep last
            } elsif ($ch eq '>') {
               prt( "WARNING: Premature CLOSE! ($lin)(2)\n" ) if (($t +1) < $len);
            $tag .= $ch;
   return $tag;
sub tag_typ_2_stg {
   my ($typ) = shift;
   if ($typ == $TYP_OPEN) {
      return "OPEN";
   } elsif ($typ == $TYP_CLOSE) {
      return "CLOSE";
   } elsif ($typ == $TYP_OPENCLOSE) {
      return "OPENCLOSE";
   } elsif ($typ == $TYP_VERSION) {
      return "VERSION";
   return "UNKNOWN";
sub get_tag_typ {
   my ($xt) = shift;
   my $typ = $TYP_OPEN;
   if ($xt =~ /^\//) {
      $typ = $TYP_CLOSE;
   } elsif ($xt =~ /\/$/) {
      $typ = $TYP_OPENCLOSE;
   } elsif ($xt eq '?xml') {
      $typ = $TYP_VERSION;
   ###prt( "For [$xt] returning [$typ] ...\n" );
   return $typ;
sub get_app_type {
   my ($defs) = shift;
   my @arr = split(';',$defs);
   foreach my $def (@arr) {
      foreach my $key (keys %v8_defines) {
         if ($def eq $key) {
            return $v8_defines{$key};
   return $typelse;
# get_xml_source
# process the XML project file (*.vcproj) and
# extract the SOURCE file list
sub get_xml_sources {
   my ($in) = shift;
   ##my $in_fd = file_dirname($in);
   my ($name,$in_fd,$suffix) = fileparse($in);
   my ($src, $ff, $pline);
   my $stf = '<File\\s+RelativePath=\\"([\\.\\\\\\w-]+)+\\"+(.)+';
   #my $filt = '^<Filter\\s+Name=\\"([\\w\\s]+)\\"\\s+Filter=\\"([\\w;]+)\\"';
   my @lines = ();
   my $line = '';
   my $filtname = '';
   my $filttype = '';
   my $conf = '';
   my $tname = '';
   my $version = '';
   my $projname = '';
   my $srccount = 0;
   my @xmltags = ();
   my $xmltag = '';
   my $tagtyp = 0;
   my $lnnum = 0;
   my $bgn = 0;
   my $end = 0;
   my $ll = 0;
   my $ch = '';
   my $bgnend = '';
   my $inconfigs = 0;
   my $ppdefs = '';
   my $apptype = '';
   prt( "Loading [$in] file in directory [$in_fd] ...\n" );
   open FH, "<$in" or mydie( "ERROR: Can not open [$in] ... aborting ...\n" );
   @lines = <FH>; # slurp the whole file
   close( FH );
   my $fline = '';
   prt( "Processing ".scalar @lines." lines in $in ...\n" );
   my $hadver = 0;
   foreach $line (@lines) {
      $line = trim_all($line);
      $ll = length($line);
      if ($ll) {
         if (length($fline)) {
            $fline .= ' '.$line;
         } else {
            $ch = substr($line,0,1);
            $fline .= $line;
            if ($ch eq '<') {
               $bgn = $lnnum;
      } else {
      if ($fline =~ />/) {
         $bgnend = "$bgn-$lnnum";
         $bgn = -1;
         $xmltag = get_xml_tag($fline);
         $tagtyp = get_tag_typ($xmltag);
         prt( "$bgnend: $xmltag ".tag_typ_2_stg($tagtyp). " ($tagtyp)\n" ) if ($dbg_src9);
         if ($fline =~ /<VisualStudioProject\s+/) {
            if ($fline =~ /.+Version="(\d+\.{1}\d+)+".+/ ) {
               $version = $1;
            if ($fline =~ /.+Name="(\w+)".+/) {
               $projname = $1;
            ##prt( "$fline\n" );
            prt( "Project=$projname, v=$version\n" ) if ($dbg_src11);
         } elsif ($fline =~ /$stf/) {
            # <File RelativePath="src\FDM\SP\ACMS.cxx" >
            $src = $1;
            $ff = $in_fd . $src;
            my $ffnr = fix_rel_path($ff);
            if (is_c_source($src)) {
               prt("SOURCE=[$src]\n") if ($dbg_src1);
               #push(@csrc_array, [$src, $ff, $filtname, $filttype, 0] );
            } elsif (is_h_source($src)) {
               prt("HEADER=[$src]\n") if ($dbg_src2);
               #push(@hsrc_array, [$src, $ff, $filtname, $filttype, 0] );
            } elsif (is_h_special($src)) {
               prt("HEADER=[$src]\n") if ($dbg_src2);
               #push(@hsrc_array, [$src, $ff, $filtname, $filttype, 0] );
            } else {
               prt("OTHER=[$src]\n") if ($dbg_src3);
               #push(@osrc_array, [$src, $ff, $filtname, $filttype, 0] );
            #                0    1      2          3          4  5  6
            push(@v8_srcs, [$src, $ffnr, $filtname, $filttype, 0, 0, $projname] );
            prt( "$srccount v8_srcs: $src, $ffnr, $filtname, $filttype, 0, 0, $projname);\n" ) if ($dbg11);
         } elsif ($fline =~ /<Filter\s+(.*)/) {
            # <Filter Name="Source Files" Filter="cpp;c;cxx;rc;def;r;odl;idl;hpj;bat">
            $filtname = ''; # = NO FILTER NAME, like Source Files
            $filttype = ''; # = NOR FILTER TYPE, like cpp;c;cxx;rc;def;r;odl;idl;hpj;bat
            if ($fline =~ /\s+Name=\"([\w\s]+)\"[\s>]+/) {
               $filtname = $1; # = Source Files
            if ($fline =~ /\s+Filter=\"([\w;,]+)\"[\s>]+/) {
               $filttype = $1; # = cpp;c;cxx;rc;def;r;odl;idl;hpj;bat
            prt("FILTNAME=[$filtname] [$filttype]\n") if ($dbg_src4);
         } elsif ($fline =~ /$v8_cfgexp/ ) {
            ##if ($fline =~ /<Configuration\s+.*Name=\"(\S+)\"\s/ ) {
            $conf = $1;
            prt( "Got configuration $conf\n" ) if ($dbg_src6);
         } elsif ($fline =~ /<Tool\s+(.*)$/ ) {
            #} elsif ($fline =~ /$v8_toolexp/ ) {
            $pline = $1;
            if ($pline =~ /\s*Name=\"*(\w+)\"*/) {
               $tname = $1;
               prt( "Got Tool name $tname\n" ) if ($dbg_src7);
               if ($tname eq 'VCCLCompilerTool') {
                  # <Tool
                  # Name="VCCLCompilerTool"
                  # Optimization="0"
                  # AdditionalIncludeDirectories="../lib,../lib/curl_transport,...
                  # PreprocessorDefinitions="_DEBUG;WIN32;_LIB;ABYSS_WIN32;CURL_STATICLIB" 
                  # MinimalRebuild="true" 
                  # BasicRuntimeChecks="3" 
                  # RuntimeLibrary="1" 
                  # PrecompiledHeaderFile=".\Debug\xmlrpccpp/xmlrpccpp.pch" 
                  # AssemblerListingLocation=".\Debug\xmlrpccpp/" 
                  # ObjectFile=".\Debug\xmlrpccpp/" 
                  # ProgramDataBaseFileName=".\Debug\xmlrpccpp/" 
                  # WarningLevel="3" 
                  # SuppressStartupBanner="true" 
                  # DebugInformationFormat="4" />]
                  prt( "Is compiler tool ...[$fline]\n" ) if ($dbg_src7);
                  ##if ($fline =~ /\s+PreprocessorDefinitions=\"(\S+)\"/ ) {
                  ##if ($fline =~ /$v8_prepexp/ ) {
                  if ($fline =~ /\s*PreprocessorDefinitions=\"*(\S+)\"/ ) {
                     $ppdefs = trim_all($1);
                     if ($inconfigs) {
                        $apptype = get_app_type($ppdefs);
                        prt( "Setting DEFS: $conf [$ppdefs] $apptype\n" ) if ($dbg_src8);
                        $v8_link{$conf} = $ppdefs;
                        if (defined $v8_apptyp{$projname}) {
                           if ($v8_apptyp{$projname} ne $apptype) {
                              prt( "WARNING: ALREADY HAVE $projname with ".$v8_apptyp{$projname}." which is NOT $apptype!!!\n" );
                        } else {
                           $v8_apptyp{$projname} = $apptype;
                     } elsif (length($ppdefs)) {
                        prt( "Got DEFS: $conf [$1] OUTSIDE COnfigurations!\n" ) if ($dbg_src10);
               } elsif ($tname eq 'VCLinkerTool') {
                  prt( "Is linker tool ...[$fline]\n" ) if ($dbg_src7);
                  if ($fline =~ /\s+AdditionalDependencies=\"(\S+)\"/ ) {
                     $v8_depend{$conf} = $1;
            } else {
               prt( "WARNING: FAILED Name [$fline]\n" );
         } elsif ($fline =~ /<\/Filter>/) {
            if ($killfilt) {
               $filtname = ''; # = NO FILTER NAME, like Source Files
               $filttype = ''; # = NOR FILTER TYPE, like cpp;c;cxx;rc;def;r;odl;idl;hpj;bat
         } elsif ($fline =~ /<Platforms/) {
            # 8-8: LINE=[<Platforms>]
         } elsif ($fline =~ /<Platform/) {
            # 9-11: LINE=[<Platform Name="Win32" />]
         } elsif ($fline =~ /<ToolFiles/) {
            # 13-13: LINE=[<ToolFiles>]
         } elsif ($fline =~ /<Configurations/) {
            # 15-15: LINE=[<Configurations>]
            $inconfigs = 1;
            prt( "Enter Configurations ... ($fline)\n" ) if ($dbg_src10);
         } elsif ($fline =~ /<References/) {
            # 167-167: LINE=[<References>]
         } elsif ($fline =~ /<Files/) {
            # 169-169: LINE=[<Files>]
         } elsif ($fline =~ /<FileConfiguration/) {
            # 177-179: LINE=[<FileConfiguration Name="Debug|Win32" >]
         } elsif ($fline =~ /<Globals/) {
            # 591-591: LINE=[<Globals>]
         } else {
            if ($tagtyp == $TYP_VERSION) {
               prt("$bgnend: LINE=[$fline]\n") if ($dbg_srcv);
            } elsif ($tagtyp == $TYP_CLOSE) {
               prt("$bgnend: LINE=[$fline]\n") if ($dbg_srcc);
            } else {
               prt("$bgnend: LINE=[$fline]\n") if ($dbg_src5);
         if ($tagtyp == $TYP_OPEN) {
         } elsif ($tagtyp == $TYP_CLOSE) {
            if (@xmltags) {
               my $tmptag = pop @xmltags;
               $xmltag = substr($xmltag,1);
               if ($tmptag ne $xmltag) {
                  prt( "WARNING: Closing TAG [$xmltag] not last [$tmptag]! $bgnend\n" );
               if ($xmltag eq 'Configurations') {
                  $inconfigs = 0;
                  prt( "Exit Configurations ... ($fline)\n" ) if ($dbg_src10);
            } else {
               prt( "WARNING: CLOSE TAG NOT OPEN! [$fline]\n" );
         $fline = '';
   prt( "Project: $projname, as $apptype\n" );
   my $new_srcs = scalar @v8_srcs;
   prt( "Got new $new_srcs C/C++ files, header files, and others \n" );
sub mystricmp {
   my ($tx1, $tx2) = @_;
   my $ltx1 = lc($tx1);
   my $ltx2 = lc($tx2);
   if ($ltx1 eq $ltx2) {
      return 1;
   return 0;
# the 'main' process - compare vcproj with dsp sources
# ====================================================
sub compare_proj_with_dsp {
   my ($key) = shift;
   my ($i1, $i2, $fnd, $matched);
   ##   push(@cv8_srcs, [$src, $ff, $filtname, $filttype, $flag, $projname] );
   my ($src1, $ff1, $fnm1, $typ1, $flg1);
   my ($src2, $ff2, $fnm2, $typ2, $flg2);
   my ($nm1, $pth1);
   my ($nm2, $pth2);
   my ($added, $subed);
   my ($miss1, $miss2, $msg);
   my ($xnm1,$xdir1,$xext1);
   my ($xnm2,$xdir2,$xext2);
   # compare @v8_srcs, with @v6_srcs
   my $v8_tot = scalar @v8_srcs;
   my $v6_tot = scalar @v6_srcs;
   prt( "\nCompare of sources " );
   prt( "MSVC 8 total = $v8_tot, with " ); 
   prt( "MSVC 6 total = $v6_tot\n" );
   $fnd = 0;
   $matched = 0;
   # 1 - clear the compare flag
   for ($i1 = 0; $i1 < $v8_tot; $i1++) {
      $v8_srcs[$i1][4] = 0;
   for ($i2 = 0; $i2 < $v6_tot; $i2++) {
      $v6_srcs[$i2][4] = 0;
   # 2 - extract each vcproj source, and 'find' in dsp
   for ($i1 = 0; $i1 < $v8_tot; $i1++) {
      $src1 = $v8_srcs[$i1][0];
      $ff1  = $v8_srcs[$i1][1];
      $fnm1 = $v8_srcs[$i1][2];
      $typ1 = $v8_srcs[$i1][3];
      $flg1 = $v8_srcs[$i1][4];
      ($nm1,$pth1) = fileparse( $src1 );
      ($xnm1,$xdir1,$xext1) = fileparse( $src1, qr/\.[^.]*/ );
      prt( "$i1 $nm1 - " ) if ($big_dbg);
      $fnd = 0;
      for ($i2 = 0; $i2 < $v6_tot; $i2++) {
         $src2 = $v6_srcs[$i2][0];
         $ff2  = $v6_srcs[$i2][1];
         $fnm2 = $v6_srcs[$i2][2];
         $typ2 = $v6_srcs[$i2][3];
         $flg2 = $v6_srcs[$i2][4];
         if ($skip_dupes && $flg2) {
         ($nm2,$pth2) = fileparse( $src2 );
         ($xnm2,$xdir2,$xext2) = fileparse( $src2, qr/\.[^.]*/ );
         prt( " $nm2 " ) if ($big_dbg3);
         if (is_same_DOS_file($ff1,$ff2)) {
            $fnd = 1;
            prt( "$ff1 SAME AS $ff2 " ) if ($big_dbg2);
         if ( !$fnd && mystricmp( $xnm1, $xnm2 ) && mystricmp( $xext1, $xext2 ) ) {
            if ($try_harder) {
               $fnd = 1;
            prt( "$xnm1 eq $xnm2 and $xext1 eq $xext2 ($ff1 - $ff2)" ) if ($big_dbg4);
         if ($fnd) {
            $v6_srcs[$i2][4] = $i1 + 1;
            $v8_srcs[$i1][4] = $i2 + 1;
      if ($fnd) {
         prt( " ok\n" ) if ($big_dbg);
      } else {
         prt( " NO MATCH\n" ) if ($big_dbg);
   $added = $v8_tot - $matched;
   $subed = $v6_tot - $matched;
   $miss1 = 0;
   $miss2 = 0;
   for ($i1 = 0; $i1 < $v8_tot; $i1++) {
      if ($v8_srcs[$i1][4] == 0) {
   for ($i2 = 0; $i2 < $v6_tot; $i2++) {
      if ($v6_srcs[$i2][4] == 0) {
   prt( "Matched $matched of $v8_tot, with $matched of $v6_tot ...\n" );
   if (($added == 0) && ($subed == 0)) {
      prt( "DSP appears EQUIVALENT to VCPROJ file - no DSP modification needed.\n" );
   } else {
      if ($v6_tot > 0) {
         prt( "DSP needs to be MODIFIED ... add = $added, subed = $subed\n" );
      } else {
         prt( "DSP needs to be CREATED ... with $added sources ...\n" );
   if ($miss1) {
      prt( "\nThere are $miss1 files in VCPROJ, NOT in DSP\n" );
      for ($i1 = 0; $i1 < $v8_tot; $i1++) {
         if ($v8_srcs[$i1][4] == 0) {
            $src1 = $v8_srcs[$i1][0];
            $ff1  = $v8_srcs[$i1][1];
            $msg = "$src1 ($ff1) ";
            if (-f $ff1) {
               $msg .= "ok";
            } else {
               $msg .= "NOT FOUND";
            prt( "$msg\n" );
   } else {
      prt( "There are NO files in VCPROJ, NOT in DSP\n" );
   if ($miss2) {
      prt( "\nThere are $miss2 files in DSP, NOT in VCPROJ\n" );
      for ($i2 = 0; $i2 < $v6_tot; $i2++) {
         if ($v6_srcs[$i2][4] == 0) {
            $src2 = $v6_srcs[$i2][0];
            $ff2  = $v6_srcs[$i2][1];
            $msg = "$src2 ($ff2) ";
            if (-f $ff2) {
               $msg .= "ok";
            } else {
               $msg .= "NOT FOUND";
            prt( "$msg\n" );
   } else {
      prt( "There are NO files in DSP, NOT in VCPROJ\n" );
   # whether modified, or new, keep the DSW entry
   $dsw_projects{$key} = "$key.dsp";
   return ($added + $subed);   # return CHANGE counter
sub is_same_DOS_file {
   my ($f1, $f2) = @_;
   my $len = length($f1);
   if ($len != length($f2)) {
      return 0;   # not the SAME LENGTH
   $f1 =~ s/\//\\/g;
   $f2 =~ s/\//\\/g;
   my $lcf1 = lc($f1);
   my $lcf2 = lc($f2);
   my $i = 0;
   while ($i < $len) {
      if (substr($lcf1,$i,1) ne substr($lcf2,$i,1)) {
         return 0;
   return 1;
sub fix_rel_path {
   my ($path) = shift;
   my @a = split(/\\/, $path);
   my $npath = '';
   my $max = scalar @a;
   my @na = ();
   for (my $i = 0; $i < $max; $i++) {
      my $p = $a[$i];
      if ($p eq '.') {
         # ignore this
      } elsif ($p eq '..') {
         if (@na) {
            pop @na;   # discard previous
         } else {
            prt( "WARNING: Got relative .. without previous!!! path=$path\n" );
      } else {
   foreach my $pt (@na) {
      $npath .= "\\" if length($npath);
      $npath .= $pt;
   return $npath;
### utitlity subs
sub is_c_source {
   my $f = shift;
   if ( ($f =~ /\.c$/i) || ($f =~ /\.cpp$/i) || ($f =~ /\.cxx$/i) ) {
      return 1;
   ##if (!is_h_source($f)) {
   ##   prt( "Item [$f] IS NOT C/C++ SOURCE!\n" );
   return 0;
sub is_h_special {
   my $f = shift;
   if (($f =~ /osg/i)||($f =~ /OpenThreads/i)||($f =~ /Producer/i)) {
      return 1;
   return 0;
sub is_h_source {
   my $f = shift;
   if ( ($f =~ /\.h$/i) || ($f =~ /\.hpp$/i) || ($f =~ /\.hxx$/i) ) {
      return 1;
   ##if (!is_c_source($f)) {
   ##   prt( "Item [$f] IS NOT C/C++ SOURCE!\n" );
   return 0;
sub prtw {
   my ($wmsg) = shift;
sub show_warnings {
   if (@warnings) {
      prt( "WARNING: Got ".scalar @warnings." warnings messages ...\n" );
      foreach my $wm (@warnings) {
   } else {
      prt( "No warning messages ...\n" );
# eof

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