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#!/perl -w
# NAME: - library
# AIM: Read a C/C++ file and check for main()
# 2010-07-07 - Some tidying when used in
# 20090911 - version 2 with output indicator
# 20090828 - check for quotes "...", and only WARN if could have been in quotes
# 21/11/2007 - geoff mclane -
# check_for_main - check for main()

sub chkmain2($$) {
   my ($out,$fil) = @_;
   my $fndm = 0;
   my ($ccnt, $pline, $j, $k, $k2, $ch, $pch, $cline, $tline, $ll, $incomm, $tag, $fnd1, $comment);
   my ($lncomm, $wascomm, $hadquotes, $quoted, $wd, $minq, $lnn, $intest);
   my @ifstack = ();
   my @includes = ();
   if (open INF, "<$fil") {
      my @clines = <INF>;
      close INF;
      $ccnt = scalar @clines;
      $pline = '';
      $incomm = 0;
      $tag = '';
      $comment = '';
      $lncomm = 0;
      $hadquotes = 0;
      $lnn = 0;
      ###prt( "\nProcessing $ccnt lines of $fil ...\n" );
      for ($k = 0; $k < $ccnt; $k++) {
         $cline = $clines[$k];
         $k2 = $k + 1;
         chomp $cline;
         $tline = $cline;   # trim_all($cline);
         $ll = length($tline);
         $tag = '';
         $fnd1 = 0;
         $intest = 0;
         if (($tline =~ /\s+main(\s|\()+/)||
            ($tline =~ /^main(\s|\()+/)){
            $fnd1 = 1;
            if (@ifstack) {
               $wd = $ifstack[-1];  # get LAST
               if ($wd =~ /TEST/i) {
                  $intest = 1;
         if ( !$incomm && ($tline =~ /^\s*#\s*include\s+(.+)/)) {
            push(@includes, $1);
            next;   # skip '#include <main/main.h>' like INCLUDE lines
         if ($cline =~ /^\s*#\s*if\w*\s+(.+)/) {
         } elsif ($cline =~ /^\s*#\s*endif/) {
            if (@ifstack) {
               pop @ifstack;
            } else {
               prtw( "WARNING:$fil:$lnn: line [$cline] ENDIF without stack!\n" );
         $comment .= "\n" if length($comment);
         $lncomm = 0;
         $pch = '';
         $hadquotes = 0;
         $minq = 0;
         for ($j = 0; $j < $ll; $j++) {
            $ch = substr($tline,$j,1);
            if ($incomm) {
               # only looking for CLOSE comment */
               $comment .= $ch;
               if (($ch eq '/') && ($pch eq '*')) {
                  $incomm = 0;
            } else {
               if ($ch eq '"') {
                  # start of QUOTE
                  $j++;   # to next char
                  $pch = $ch;
                  $quoted = $ch;
                  $wd = '';
                  for ( ; $j < $ll; $j++) {
                     $ch = substr($tline,$j,1);
                     $quoted .= $ch;
                     if (($ch eq '"')&&($pch ne "\\")) {
                        last;   # out of here
                     $pch = $ch;
                     if ($ch =~ /\w/) {
                        $wd .= $ch;
                     } elsif (length($wd)) {
                        $minq = 1 if ($wd eq 'main');
                        $wd = '';
               } elsif (($ch eq '*') && ($pch eq '/')) {
                  # comment start /* until */
                  $incomm = 1;
                  $wascomm = 1;
                  $comment = $pch.$ch;
               } elsif (($ch eq '/') && ($pch eq '/')) {
                  $j = $ll;   # skip rest of line
                  $lncomm = 1;
               } else {
                  if ($ch =~ /\w+/) { #if ($ch =~ /[main]/) {
                     $tag .= $ch;
                  } else {
                     # NOT alphanumeric
                     if ($tag eq 'main') {
                        #prt( "Found a main ...\n" );
                        #prt( "$tline\n" );
                        #push(@mains, $tline);
                        if ($intest) {
                           prtw("WARNING:$fil:$lnn: line[$cline] NOT counted, since in 'TEST' switch - BUT CHECK!\n" );
                        } else {
                     $tag = '';
            $pch = $ch;
         ###prt( "line $k2:[$tline]$ll ($incomm:$lncomm) $fnd1 $fndm\n" );
         #if ($fnd1 && !$fndm && !$lncomm && !$incomm && !$wascomm)
         if ($fnd1 && !$fndm && !$lncomm && !$incomm && !$wascomm && !$intest) {
            if ($hadquotes) {
               if ($minq) {
                  if ($out & 1) {
                     prtw( "WARNING:$fil:$lnn: 'main' in quotes! CHECK no other!\n" );
                  } else {
                     prt("NOTE: found 'main' but appears to be in 'quotes' - skipped\n" );
               } else {
                  prtw( "\nWARNING:$fil:$lnn: MISSED main! But maybe in QUOTES! CHECK!\n" );
            } else {
               prtw( "\nERROR:$fil:$lnn: MISSED main! WHY???\n" );
            if ($out & 1) {
               prtw( "WARNING: LINE[$tline]\n" );
            } else {
               prt( "line=[".trim_all($tline)."]\n" );
         $wascomm = $incomm;
         $pline = $cline;
   } else {
      prtw( "WARNING: Unable to open [$fil] file ... $! ...\n" );
   if (@ifstack) {
      $cline = "WARNING:$fil:$lnn: Still ".scalar @ifstack." items in IF stack!\n";
      foreach $pline (@ifstack) {
         $cline .= "$pline ";
      prtw( "$cline\n" );
   return $fndm;

sub chkmain {
   my ($fil) = shift;
   return chkmain2(-1,$fil);

sub chk_main {
   my ($fil,$rarr) = @_;
   my $fndm = 0;
   my ($ccnt, $pline, $j, $k, $k2, $ch, $pch, $cline, $tline, $ll, $incomm, $tag, $fnd1, $comment);
   my ($lncomm, $wascomm, $iftxt, $msg, $bch, $main, $ml, $mi, $cond);
   my @ifopen = ();
   my @conditional_stack = ();
   if (open INF, "<$fil") {
      my @clines = <INF>;
      close INF;
      $ccnt = scalar @clines;
      $pline = '';
      $incomm = 0;
      $tag = '';
      $comment = '';
      $lncomm = 0;
      $iftxt = '';
      $msg = '';
      ###prt( "\nProcessing $ccnt lines of $fil ...\n" );
      for ($k = 0; $k < $ccnt; $k++) {
         $cline = $clines[$k];
         $k2 = $k + 1;
         chomp $cline;
         $tline = trim_all($cline);
         $ll = length($tline);
         $tag = '';
         $fnd1 = 0;
         if ( !$incomm) {
            if ( $tline =~ /^\s*#\s*include\s+/ ) {
               next;   # skip '#include <main/main.h>' like INCLUDE lines
            } elsif ($tline =~ /^\s*#\s*if(.*)/ ) {
               $iftxt = $1;
               if ($iftxt =~ /^def\s+(.*)/ ) {
                  $msg = "Got ifdef [$1] ... TRUE";
                     push (@conditional_stack, "\@" . $1 . "_TRUE\@");
               } elsif ($iftxt =~ /^\s+(.*)/ ) {
                  $msg = "Got if [$1] ... TRUE";
                     push (@conditional_stack, "\@" . $1 . "_TRUE\@");
               } else {
                  $msg = "CHECK ME: What is this? [$tline]\n";
               ###prt( "$msg\n" );
            } elsif ($tline =~ /^\s*#\s*else(.*)/ ) {
               $msg = "Got else ...";
                  if (! @conditional_stack) {
                      $msg .= "ERROR: else without if";
               } elsif ($conditional_stack[$#conditional_stack] =~ /_FALSE\@$/) {
                  $msg .= "ERROR: else after else";
               } else {
                  $msg .= "tog ".$conditional_stack[$#conditional_stack];
                  $conditional_stack[$#conditional_stack] =~ s/_TRUE\@$/_FALSE\@/;
                  $msg .= " to ".$conditional_stack[$#conditional_stack];
               ###prt( "$msg\n" );
            } elsif ($tline =~ /^\s*#\s*endif(.*)/ ) {
               $msg = "Got endif ...";
               if (! @conditional_stack) {
                  $msg .= "ERROR: endif without if";
               } else {
                  $msg = "pop ". pop @conditional_stack;
               ###prt( "$msg\n" );
         $pline = '';
         $comment .= "\n" if length($comment);
         $lncomm = 0;
         $pch = '';
         $bch = ' ';
         for ($j = 0; $j < $ll; $j++) {
            $ch = substr($tline,$j,1);
            if ($incomm) {
               # only looking for CLOSE comment */
               $comment .= $ch;
               if (($ch eq '/') && ($pch eq '*')) {
                  $incomm = 0;
                  $tline = substr($tline,$j);
                  $ll = length($tline);
                  $j = 0;
                  $ch = '';
                  $bch = ' ';
               $pch = $ch;
            } else {
               if ($ch eq '"') {
                  # start of QUOTE
                  $j++;   # to next char
                  $pch = $ch;
                  for ( ; $j < $ll; $j++) {
                     $ch = substr($tline,$j,1);
                     if (($ch eq '"')&&($pch ne "\\")) {
                        last;   # out of here
                     $pch = $ch;
               } elsif (($ch eq '*') && ($pch eq '/')) {
                  # comment start /* until */
                  $incomm = 1;
                  $wascomm = 1;
                  $comment = $pch.$ch;
               } elsif (($ch eq '/') && ($pch eq '/')) {
                  $j = $ll;   # skip rest of line
                  $lncomm = 1;
               } else {
                  if ($ch =~ /\w+/) { #if ($ch =~ /[main]/) {
                     $tag .= $ch;
                  } else {
                     # NOT alphanumeric
                     if (($tag eq 'main')&&($bch eq ' ')&&(($ch =~ /\s/)||($ch eq '('))) {
                        $mi = $j + 1;
                        for ($mi = $j + 1; $mi < $ll; $mi++) {
                           if (substr($tline,$mi,1) eq ')') {
                        $main = substr($tline,0,$mi);
                        $main = substr($main,1) if ($main =~ /^\//);
                        #prt( "Found a main ... [$main]\n" );
                        $msg = '';
                        if (@conditional_stack) {
                           foreach $cond (@conditional_stack) {
                              $msg .= " && " if (length($msg));
                              $msg .= $cond;
                        push(@{$rarr}, [$k2, $main, $msg]);
                        ###prt( "$fndm: Found main [$main] cond [$msg]\n" );
                     $tag = '';
                     $bch = $ch;
            $pch = $ch;
            $pline .= $ch;
         if (($pline =~ /\s+main(\s|\()+/)||
            ($pline =~ /^main(\s|\()+/)){
            $fnd1 = 1;
         ###prt( "line $k2:[$tline]$ll ($incomm:$lncomm) $fnd1 $fndm\n" );
         if ($fnd1 && !$fndm && !$lncomm && !$incomm && !$wascomm) {
            prt( "\nERROR: MISSED main! WHY??? [$fil]\n" );
            prt( "CHECK ME [$pline]\n" );
         $wascomm = $incomm;
   } else {
      prt( "WARNING: Unable to open [$fil] file ... $! ...\n" );
   return $fndm;


# eof -

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