to HTML.

index -|- end

Generated: Tue Feb 2 17:54:22 2010 from 2006/06/14 8.5 KB.

use strict;
use Cwd;
###use Win32::OLE qw(EVENTS);
use Win32::OLE qw(in valof with OVERLOAD EVENTS);
use Data::Dump qw(dump);
##use Data::Dump ();
use Data::Dumper;
use UNIVERSAL qw( isa can VERSION );
###require UNIVERSAL ;
my ($URL, $se1, $va1, $se2, $va2);
# from :
$URL = "";
$se1 = 'name';
$va1 = 'samie';
##$URL = '';
##$se1 = 'login';
##$va1 = 'geoffair _at_ hotmail _dot_ com';
##$URL = '';
##$se1 = 'year';
##$va1 = '2007';
$URL = '';
$se1 = 'username';
$va1 = 'mem1';
# max5 site - try PHP ...
$URL = '';
$se1 = 'username';
$va1 = 'user2';
$se2 = 'password';
$va2 = 'pass2';
my $IEObject;
my @arr1 = ();
my @arr2 = ();
my ($LOG);
my $write_log = 0;
my $outfile = "$0.txt";
if ( open( $LOG, ">$outfile" ) ) {
    $write_log = 1;
} else {
    $write_log = 0;
    prt( "WARNING: Unable to open $outfile LOG ...\n" );
prt("Opening Internet Explorer instance ...\n");
my $IE  = Win32::OLE->new("InternetExplorer.Application")
    || mydie( "Could not start Internet Explorer.Application\n" );
prt("Setting up a callback of events ...\n");
$IE->{visible} = 1;
prt("Navigating to the URL [$URL] ...\n");
prt("Entering the message loop, until document complete ...\n");
prt( "Out of message loop ...\n" );
prt( "Object type = ". Win32::OLE->QueryObjectType($IEObject) ."\n" ); 
prt("Setting edit box ...\n" );
##SetEditBox( $se1, $va1 );
SetEditBox( $se1, $va1 );
SetEditBox( $se2, $va2 );
prt("All done ...\n");
exit 0;
### services
sub Event {
   my ($txt, $num, $IEO, $value, $yes);
    my ($Obj,$Event,@Args) = @_;
   for my $arg (@Args) {
      #if (UNIVERSAL::isa($value, 'Win32::OLE')) {
      #   $value = sprintf "[%s %s]", Win32::OLE->QueryObjectType($arg);
      #   prt( " arg: $value\n" );
      ##$yes = UNIVERSAL::isa $arg, 'Win32::OLE'; 
      $yes = isa $arg, "Win32::OLE";
      if ($yes) {
         $value = sprintf "[%s %s]", Win32::OLE->QueryObjectType($arg);
         prt( " arg: $value\n" );
      } else {
         ### prt( " Not ...\n" );
    prt( "Here is the Event: $Event " );
    if ($Event eq "DocumentComplete") {
      # void DocumentComplete( IDispatch *pDisp,
      #     VARIANT *URL );
        $IEObject = shift @Args;
        prt( "Here is my reference: $IEObject\n" );
      ###prt( Dumper($IEObject) ); # does not show anything?
        prt( "URL: " .  $IEObject->Document->URL . "\n" );
      prt( "Quitting message loop ..." );
    } elsif ($Event eq 'StatusTextChange') {
      $txt = shift @Args;
      if (length($txt) > 0) {
         prt("Text is [$txt]");
      } else {
         prt("Text is [BLANK]");
    } elsif ($Event eq 'CommandStateChange') {
      $num = shift @Args;
      if ($num == -1) {
         prt( "CSC_UPDATECOMMANDS change... " );
      } elsif ($num == 1) {
         prt( "CSC_NAVIGATEFORWARD change... " );
      } elsif ($num == 2) {
         prt( "CSC_NAVIGATEBACK change... " );
      } else {
         prt( "Change $num ... " );
      if (@Args) {
         my $bl = shift @Args;
         prt("Bool [$bl] ");
      } else {
         prt("No bool! ");
    } elsif ($Event eq 'ProgressChange') {
      my $n1 = shift @Args;
      my $n2 = shift @Args;
      if ($n1 == -1) {
         prt( "Progess COMPLETED ($n1 of $n2) done ..." );
      } else {
         prt( "Progess is $n1 of $n2 done ..." );
    } elsif ($Event eq 'TitleChange') {
      $txt = shift @Args;
      if (length($txt) > 0) {
         prt("Title is [$txt]");
      } else {
         prt("Title is [BLANK]");
    } elsif ($Event eq 'FileDownload') {
      $num = shift @Args;
      if ($num) {
         prt( "Is active document ..." );
      } else {
         prt( "Is NOT active document ..." );
    } elsif (($Event eq 'DownloadBegin')||($Event eq 'DownloadComplete')) {
    } elsif ($Event eq 'PropertyChange') {
      $txt = shift @Args;
    } elsif ($Event eq 'BeforeNavigate2') {
      # void BeforeNavigate2( IDispatch *pDisp,
      #     VARIANT *&url,
      #     VARIANT *&Flags,
      #     VARIANT *&TargetFrameName,
      #     VARIANT *&PostData,
      #     VARIANT *&Headers,
      #     VARIANT_BOOL *&Cancel );
        $IEO = shift @Args;
      prt("First ref: $IEO ");
      #if (@Args) {
      #   my @arr = shift @Args;
      #   ###$txt = shift @Args;
      #   prt( "URL = ". scalar @arr. " ". pop( @arr ));
    } elsif ($Event eq 'OnVisible') {
      $num = shift @Args;
      prt( " = $num");
    } elsif ($Event eq 'NavigateComplete2') {
        $IEO = shift @Args;
      prt("Second ref: $IEO ");
   prt( "\n" );
sub SetEditBox {
    my ($name, $value) = @_;
    my $IEDocument = $IEObject->{Document}; # Returns the active Document automation object, if any.
   if ($IEDocument) {
      my $forms = $IEDocument->forms;
      prt("Got automation object ... extracting forms ...\n");
      if ($forms) {
         my $max = $forms->length;
         prt("Got forms object ... length $max ...\n");
         for (my $i = 0; $i < $max; $i++) {
            my $form = $forms->item($i);
            if (defined($form->elements($name))) {
               prt("Setting $name to $value ...\n");
               $form->elements($name)->{value} = $value;
      } else {
         prt("No forms found in Automation object ...\n");
   } else {
      prt("Automation object NOT found ...\n");
sub Enumerate_Forms {
   my $cnt = 0;
   my $Count = Win32::OLE->EnumAllObjects(sub {
       my $Object = shift;
       my $Class = Win32::OLE->QueryObjectType($Object);
      # printf "$cnt # Object=%s Class=%s\n", $Object, $Class;
       prt( "$cnt # Object = ". valof $Object . " Class = " . valof $Class . "\n" );
       ##prt( "$cnt # Object = ". $Object . " Class = " . $Class . "\n" );
      #foreach my $k (in $Object) {
      #   prt("Key = $k, Value = ". $Object->{$k} . "\n");
sub Enumerate_Forms_2 {
    my $IEDocument = $IEObject->{Document}; # Returns the active Document automation object, if any.
   if ($IEDocument) {
      my $forms = $IEDocument->forms;
      prt("Got automation object ... extracting forms ...\n");
      if ($forms) {
         my $max = $forms->length;
         prt("Got $max forms objects ... \n");
         for (my $i = 0; $i < $max; $i++) {
            my $form = $forms->item($i);
            my $ele = $form->elements;
            my $type1 = ref($form);
            my $type2 = ref($ele);
            prt("Got form $form ($type1),\nelement $ele ($type2)...\n");
            ## *** ALL OF THESE JAM UP *** ??????????
            ## prt( Data::Dumper->Dump([$doc], [qw(doc)]) );
            ##prt("Dump:[" . Data::Dumper->Dump([$form], [qw(form)]) . "]\n");
            ##prt("Dump:[" . Data::Dumper->Dump([$ele], [qw(element)]) . "]\n");
            ##prt( dump($form) );
            ###prt("Dump:" . Data::Dump::dump($ele) . "\n");
            push(@arr1, $form);
            push(@arr2, $ele);
      } else {
         prt("No forms found in Automation object ...\n");
   } else {
      prt("Automation object NOT found ...\n");
### output and log file
sub wlog {
   my $ml = shift;
   print $LOG $ml;
sub prt {
   my $m = shift;
   if ($write_log) {
   print $m;
sub mydie {
   my $msg = shift;
   if ($write_log) {
   die $msg;
sub close_log {
   if ($write_log) {
      prt( "Closing LOG file, and passing to 'system($outfile)'\nMay need to CLOSE notepad to continue ...\n" );
      close( $LOG );
      system( $outfile );
### excerpts from Microsoft documentation -
# from :
# DWebBrowserEvents2::DocumentComplete Event
# Fires when a document has been completely loaded and initialized.
# Syntax
# void DocumentComplete(  IDispatch *pDisp, VARIANT *URL );
# Parameters
# pDisp - [in] Pointer to the IDispatch interface of the window or frame in which the document has 
#         loaded. This IDispatch interface can be queried for the IWebBrowser2 interface. 
# URL - [in] Pointer to a VARIANT structure of type VT_BSTR that specifies the URL, 
#         Universal Naming Convention (UNC) file name, or pointer to an item identifier list 
#         (PIDL) of the loaded document. 

index -|- top

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