Simon Fraser University

Craig Hennessey (

The FireMite is an autonomously controlled RC airplane. The FireMite project is part of the Simon Fraser University Aerial Robotics Group. The name FireMite was chosen as the plane is smaller than the FireFly (another ARG plane), and for the fact that it Mite work or it Mite not :). (Oh it'll work)

The SFU ARG is a competitor in the International Aerial Robotics Competition which is held annually in Richland, Washington. The goal of the competition is to fly an autonomous vehicle and perform search and rescue functions.

The simulation system is a vitally important component of the FireMite system. It simulates the flight characteristics of a real airplane (a Cessna). The simulation system allows for the testing of control code for various flight procedures such as takeoff, flight patterns, landing, and will allow for variable wind conditions. The output is logged to a file for further analysis with graphing software (Excel).

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Latest Version

v2.0.0 - 18 Feb 2010

A new major update of the FligtGear simulator. Please check the readme


Notam image file

Would all pilots try and avoid mpserver02 as its often overloaded.