@REM 20070804 - Exclude OpenThreads, 20070516 - Minor adjustments. 20070319 - EXCLUDED Producer ... @REM Establish SOURCE *** CHANGE THIS TO SUIT YOUR DISK:FOLDER STRUCTURE *** @set TEMP2=C:\FGCVS @REM Establish DESTINATION from input ... @set TEMP1=%1 @set TEMP3=xcopy /S /Q @echo Set up a NEW flightgear folder %TEMP1% ... @echo Using sources from %TEMP2% ... @echo HAVE YOU UPDATED ALL SOURCES? @REM Do a CHECK of what is available @if NOT EXIST %TEMP2%\FlightGear\source\. goto ERR3 @if NOT EXIST %TEMP2%\freeglut\freeglut\. goto ERR4 @if NOT EXIST %TEMP2%\OpenAL\. goto ERR5 @if NOT EXIST %TEMP2%\OpenSceneGraph\. goto ERR6 @REM if NOT EXIST %TEMP2%\OpenThreads\. goto ERR7 @if NOT EXIST %TEMP2%\PLIB\. goto ERR8 @if NOT EXIST %TEMP2%\pthreads\. goto ERR10 @if NOT EXIST %TEMP2%\SimGear\. goto ERR11 @if NOT EXIST %TEMP2%\zlib-1.2.3\. goto ERR12 @if NOT EXIST %TEMP2%\FlightGear\data\. goto ERR2 @REM NO INPUT ... give HELP @if "%TEMP1%." == "." goto HELP @REM NO OVERWRITE OF AN EXISTING FOLDER @if EXIST %TEMP1%\. goto NOWAY :DOIT @echo *** Is this folder [%TEMP1%] correct? *** ... Ctrl+C to abort ... @pause @set TEMPST=%TIME% md %TEMP1% cd %TEMP1% @echo Making the FOLDERS ... @echo Copying sources ... this can take some time ... md bin @cd bin @md OpenAL @cd .. md fgfs md FlightGear cd FlightGear %TEMP3% %TEMP2%\FlightGear\source\*.* . cd .. md freeglut cd freeglut %TEMP3% %TEMP2%\freeglut\freeglut\*.* . cd .. md OpenAL cd OpenAL %TEMP3% %TEMP2%\OpenAL\*.* . cd .. md OpenSceneGraph cd OpenSceneGraph %TEMP3% %TEMP2%\OpenSceneGraph\*.* . cd .. @REM md OpenThreads @REM cd OpenThreads @REM %TEMP3% %TEMP2%\OpenThreads\*.* . @REM cd .. md PLIB cd PLIB %TEMP3% %TEMP2%\PLIB\*.* . cd .. md pthreads cd pthreads %TEMP3% %TEMP2%\pthreads\*.* . cd .. md SimGear cd SimGear %TEMP3% %TEMP2%\SimGear\*.* . cd .. md zlib-1.2.3 cd zlib-1.2.3 %TEMP3% %TEMP2%\zlib-1.2.3\*.* . cd .. @echo %TEMPST% %TIME% @echo Done ... this folder is ready for extraction of vc8sln??.zip ... @if NOT EXIST %TEMP2%\FlightGear\data\. goto DONEDATA @echo This step requires over 800MB ... and several minutes ... @echo *** INCLUDE FLightGear data? *** Ctrl+C to exit ... @pause md data cd data %TEMP3% %TEMP2%\FlightGear\data\*.* . cd .. :DONEDATA @echo All done ... @goto END :NOWAY @echo Appear %TEMP1% already exists ... must be a NEW folder name ... @goto DONE :HELP @echo List of EXISTING folders ... dir /ad /od @echo If data included, after the build of both Release and Debug, will @echo consume about 2.5GB ... data is about 800MB plus ... CHECK YOU HAVE THE SPACE! @echo Must give the name of a new FOLDER to set up ... @echo but NOT one of the above folders, if any ... @echo Must give the name of the NEW FOLDER to copy sources to ... @goto DONE :Err2 @echo missing %TEMP2%\FlightGear\data\. @echo Not treated as FATAL ERROR ... @goto DOIT :Err3 @echo missing %TEMP2%\FlightGear\source\. @goto GOTERR :Err4 @echo missing %TEMP2%\freeglut\freeglut\. @goto GOTERR :Err5 @echo missing %TEMP2%\OpenAL\. @goto GOTERR :Err6 @echo missing %TEMP2%\OpenSceneGraph\. @goto GOTERR @REM :Err7 @REM echo missing %TEMP2%\OpenThreads\. @REM goto GOTERR :Err8 @echo missing %TEMP2%\PLIB\. @goto GOTERR :Err10 @echo missing %TEMP2%\pthreads\. @goto GOTERR :Err11 @echo missing %TEMP2%\SimGear\. @goto GOTERR :Err12 @echo missing %TEMP2%\zlib-1.2.3\. @goto GOTERR :GOTERR @echo If you already have this source built, then you can @echo adjust this BATCH file to exclude this folder. @echo This will also require adjustment of the fgfs.sln file when loaded in @echo MSVC8, and may also require adjustment of update.mak, if used. @goto DONE :END @echo Ran from %TEMPST% to %TIME% ... :DONE @echo From %TEMPST% to %TIME% > tempst.txt